Why it's important to log off

Taking care of your mental and physical health is of key importance. A great way to do this is by taking the time to switch off from our phones and the digital world and embrace the environment around us. Spending time in nature has many brilliant benefits which we will share in this blog post.

Spending time away from screens is fundamental to ensuring we keep our minds healthy and balanced. By spending time in the outdoors, it allows us to appreciate the small things and has many positive effects on our mental health.

Getting out in nature allows us to slow down and check in with ourselves away from everyday distractions. A meaningful connection with nature can actually help us connect more with ourselves.

Reduce Stress

Taking the time out of our busy schedule to really slow down and embrace the natural world has many benefits, one being reduced stress levels. By taking the time to turn off your phone and immerse yourself in outdoor surroundings you give your brain a chance to take a break from the stresses of everyday life. Just one 15 minute walk a day is a great start. Research suggests that being amongst nature can lower blood pressure and stress levels. “What you are seeing, hearing, experiencing at any moment is changing not only your mood, but how your nervous, endocrine, and immune systems are working.” (Reference, taking charge)

 Not only can nature relieve stress, but it can go one step further and provide a sense of calm.

Improve mood

Spending time in nature has been found to help with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Going for a walk or spending time in an open green space in the fresh air can be incredible healing and mood-boosting. By taking time out of your day to unwind in the great outdoors you can improve your mood significantly.

 Being outside can help sleep by regulating your natural sleep/wake cycle, improving the quality of your day. Being in a green space causes your brain waves, heart rate and breathing to slow down and blood pressure to drop and this helps you to feel calmer. Studies have shown that being in nature, or simply observing scenes of the natural world can trigger positive emotions and contribute to your overall wellbeing. 

Increase activity levels

Being in nature can be a healing experience, especially when exercising. The NHS recommends that every adult should have at least some form of physical activity every day in order to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Increasing your activity levels doesn’t necessarily mean going for a run every day, it can be as simple as enjoying a brisk walk in the countryside. Taking the time out of your day to slow down and breathe in the fresh air is key to staying happy and healthy.

Connect to local community

Spending time outdoors is also a great way to connect to your local community. In this day and age, we are all hyper connected in the digital space through social media and mobile phones, but actually taking the time out of your day to go outside and appreciate your local area can be a brilliant way to recharge and meet new people.

There are many ways you can re charge and escape into nature, some of these include:

 -       Camping (or Glamping at Tan Y Bryn!)

-       Gardening

-       Running

-       Cycling

-       Visiting local beauty spots

-       Playing outdoor sports

Whatever your choice of activity, it is important to spend time in nature. Take the time out and enjoy the great outdoors.


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